Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Fish Room Project: Update 1

The Fish Room Project

Update #1

My mini fish room / discus breeding project is progressing nicely - one small step at a time.  I took the latest step yesterday when I finally cut the rest of the 1" PVC pipe for my HOB overflow tubes and attached the 2" drain pipe (with the 1" reducers and the 3/4 inch Male threaded outlets that I picked up in the sprinkler section of Home Depot) to the rack.  My 3" screws were a little long for the 2x6's, so I drilled straight through in one place - oops! - but I'll just pick up a box of shorter screws and replace them later when I glue the pipe together. I want to counter-sink those holes anyway so the head of the screw is flush with the wood, not sticking out.

I haven't glued anything yet because I want to make sure I'm happy with the plumbing system before I make anything permanent.  The next step is going to be attaching the "feet" (just three 2x4's really) to the stand using metal L-brackets.  I want to steady it a bit that way to make sure it doesn't tip over while also making it easier to level the stand.  I really can't wait till the plumbing is done! I want to be able to fill these tanks and see them working already! However, I'm taking my time, getting things as right as possible. It's my first time, so I'm learning as I go, just trying to make this rack functional, efficient, practical, and nice to look at.  I'll have to start painting the tanks soon, speaking of nice to look at.  That should take a few days, given my availability as well as drying times.  I'm kind of on the fence still about the exact color. I'm thinking light blue or white, but I don't want the colors of the discuses I plan to keep in them to appear washed out either... Black backgrounds, though elegant, are out of the question because I notice that it makes my discus too nervous.  I'd also love to find some nice large pieces of driftwood with some nice branching going on...  I might have to start looking around the Everglades soon if I can't find any in stores!

I couldn't get much done last weekend due to an insane social schedule at my house. I feel blessed that we're popular enough to be invited everywhere by our friends and the friends (and parents) of our kids, but it really puts a dent in my productivity over the weekend!  I really don't expect to get much done this weekend either since I'll be attending the "Man Up" conference at St. Edwards this weekend, but I'm looking forward to spending some time at the church in quiet reflection as opposed to having to quiet my boys constantly in order to concentrate on the Mass.  I really enjoy going to St. Edwards. I'm not going to deny it. I find it peaceful, comforting, and refreshing in a way that I can't find anywhere else. It will also be good to reconnect with my Emmaus brothers and make new friends at the church too. I like our sense of community and fellowship at St. Edwards. I'm also eager to stoke the fire a little bit and re-calibrate my mind, heart, and body according to God's Will. Valentine's Day comes on Sunday too, so there is little chance to put in more than 30 minutes of work on the rack, but we'll see...  Maybe I'll cheat a little and put in an hour and a half...

I guess my fish room project can wait a few more days while I hash out my pans for the drip system and I figure out what to do next. I've learned to concentrate my building in 30-45 minute min-steps. It's really the best way for me to get this done. I'll write again when I take that next step! Maybe I'll even throw in some pictures next time!